Gotcha Day

Gotcha Day
Click picture for VIDEO of Gotcha Day

Monday, September 15, 2008

The first weeks

It's been almost exactly two weeks since we received our referral call (our match to our daughters, Nan Qi Tuan and Nan Qi Yuan) from our adoption agency. A smile still comes over my face everytime I relive this moment in my mind, the moment we've been waiting for for almost 28 months. I have to laugh when I re-imagine the surprise in finding out we were blessed with TWO precious girls. Twins!

Our social worker had informed us that a FedEx package would be arriving the next day with pictures and information about the girls. My face was glued to the window all that morning looking for the FedEx truck to pull up. When I tore open the package (couldn't wait for Cameron to come home) I read every detail with total fascination struggling to study their photos through my tears.

One twin is a few pounds heavier - she was given the name Nan Qi Tuan (pro: chee twan), the smaller twin - Nan Qi Yuan (pro: chee yuan). My mother explained that a combination of their names (Tuan Yuan) refers to a family gathering or an event where the family is gathered together. Qi means to pray or hope. Nan means "south" in Chinese and refers to the orphanage where our daughters have been cared for in the last year (Maonan SWI in Maoming, China).

We've renamed our girls Norah Qi Tuan Kim and Shayne Qi Yuan Kim. Norah means Honor and Shayne, God is Gracious.

Each day, we're praying for the girls, their character, their health, the caretakers they know as mom now, their biological parents and...our future sanity!

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